COVID-19 Physiotherapy Professionals Engaged In Vaccination
Authorized since December 2020 to administer the vaccine against influenza and COVID-19, physiotherapists and physiotherapy Revital Health Chestermere technologists responded in large numbers to the government's call. Several hundred physiotherapists and physiotherapy technologists have been trained in this activity.
Laberge, Physiotherapist
Four days a week Tanya Laberge, pht, practices at the
Pointe-Claire Multi-Santé Clinic, where she treats an adult or athletic
clientele, mainly for orthopedic problems. On the fifth day, this physiotherapist
injects the vaccine against COVID-19 at the Bob-Birnie arena, a vaccination
center of the CIUSSS de l'Ouest-de-l'Île-de-Montréal.
What Motivated
You To Participate In The Vaccination Campaign?
As a physiotherapist, it's in my nature to want to help
people. In the spring of 2020, I volunteered to lend a hand in CHSLDs. I
was then trained as a service assistant, a function that my training in
physiotherapy really helped me to tame. Performing safe transfers, caring
for patients and supporting our colleagues is the very essence of our
After my training, I joined a hot zone in a CHSLD. I
saw the devastation that the disease could cause on a daily basis… This is why
I did not hesitate to register to contribute to the vaccination campaign from
December 2020. I consider it a privilege to be able to offer his help in such a
direct and effective way.
What Is The Atmosphere Like In
The Vaccination Center?
The atmosphere is really pleasant. It is extremely
stimulating to work in a multidisciplinary context, alongside pharmacists,
dentists, veterinarians, nurses, and many more. Several professionals are
retired and have returned to help. Others, like me, work full-time.
I vaccinate about 60 people a day. Many of them express
real gratitude for our involvement. It's a very nice experience!
What Vaccination Experience Has
Particularly Marked You?
Since the beginning of April, quite by chance, I sometimes
inject the vaccine into patients I treat in physiotherapy. They, like me,
are delighted with this coincidence!
In general, if they are a little anxious, they relax
immediately when they see that it is I who will perform the
injection. This is a unique opportunity to see how much patients trust
physiotherapy professionals and feel safe with us.
What Motivated You To Participate
In The Vaccination Campaign?
I applied to contribute to the vaccination campaign as soon
as possible in January 2021. I thought it was important to participate in the
collective effort and do my part to improve the situation.
I am very happy in retirement and I was far from
bored. I play sports and volunteer, I take care of my land, and, before
the pandemic, I even spent a few months abroad. It was really the pandemic
context that led me to participate in this collective activity.
What Does A Typical Day Look
We always have a meeting at the beginning of the day with
the responsible nurses and all the staff of the vaccination center. We are
informed of the number of vaccines available and of novelties in the operation
of the campaign.
Then, the rate depends on the number of appointments given
and the number of injectors present. It fluctuates throughout the
day. There are very busy times when you can vaccinate 15 to 20 people per
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